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Babylon Conference (323-322 BC)|Babylon Conference

Babylon Conference (323-322 BC)|Babylon Conference

Babylon General Conference (323-322 BC)


   Alexander the Great died in 323 BC and he is thirty-two years old. Historians have different opinions about his death. And that death was surprising by all accounts, as Alexander died, leaving a great sprawling empire stretching from the Adritic Sea to Punjab and from Tajestan to Libya without a will or successor who would rule the empire after him.
The conflict started from the first moment of the death of Alexander the Great when senior military leaders held a conference in Babylon after the death of Alexander in order to fill the political vacuum that Alexander left, as well as to arrange the affairs of the empire and how to manage it, as well as to determine the question of succession to the throne, in addition to arranging the burial issue The body of Alexander.

   It is worth noting that Alexander's successors (Diadochus) are the military leaders, relatives and friends of Alexander who sought to rule his empire after his death, and several wars were known among them known as the wars of the caliphs, represented in the attempt of each of these leaders to impose his control on the other leaders. And those wars lasted for nearly half a century. These wars were the beginning of the turmoil in the Hellenistic period.
It is well known from the Macedonian traditions that calling for the new king is a right of the army, so the Macedonian soldiers present in Babylon are considered to be representatives of the Macedonian people, and thus it is their responsibility to choose the new ruler who succeeds Alexander the Great.

The Babylon Conference:

       The Babylon Conference was held under the chairmanship of Commander Perdikas, the cavalry commander who Alexander gave him the royal seal on his deathbed. During the conference in order to choose Alexander's successor, the army leaders split into two parts. The first section is the infantry who supported the rule of Arrhidius, Alexander's half-brother, although he was mentally ill. And the second part is the knights who supported the rule of the son of Alexander the Great from Roxana if he was male. Alexander died while pregnant with his child in six months. But according to Macedonian custom, the king must be from a Macedonian father and mother, and this condition is not available in Roxana's child.

       But with the emergence of the personal ambitions of the leaders, Commander Perdikas, who was the most influential leader during the conference, suggested postponing consideration of the throne state until Roxana gave birth.
 After all these things, Arhidaeus was supported as king by Commander Miligros and the spectators As for the commander, Ptolemy suggested that the throne of the empire remain vacant and that the leaders be entrusted with the army.

 As for the commander Nierjos, he suggested that he entrust the throne of the empire to Heracles, the son of Alexander, from one of his concubines, called Persian (Barsine). . These proposals demonstrated the ambition of the leaders and it was the beginning of fragmenting the empire into independent states.

This division almost turned into a war between the two sides of the army. Where the infantry settled their matter and declared Arhidaeus the King. However, Commander Eumenes, the secretary of Alexander the Great, intervened and worked out a compromise stipulating Arhidaeus' assumption of rule under the name of King Phillippus III.) Roxana’s child would be involved in the ruling if he was male and ruled under the name of Alexander IV. (Alexander VI)

       This solution was the beginning of the end for Alexander the Great's empire. The leaders' ambitions about the distribution of political positions began to rule as governors of Macedonia's ruling family.

  Where the conference decided to entrust Commander Perdikas as Chiliarchos, a Persian title meaning the leader of the thousand men, especially the Royal Guard and the General Command of the Army.
Thus, Perdiccas became the first adviser to the empire and was assisted by that leader Meliagros, but soon Perdiccas got rid of the leader Meliagros.

 As for Commander Craterus and Commander Antipatros, they were on a military mission in Greece by order of Alexander during the conference, and although they were higher than Commander Perdikas, the conference decided to grant Craterus the position of guardian (Prostates) of the two kings and the holder of state seals. In Greece, just as Alexander gave it before going out with his campaign to the east.

   With this division, Perdiccas became the  factor leader of the empire, and Craterius became his only oversight role. The conference also decided to stop the expansionary campaigns for the borders of the empire. The conference also decided to bury the body of Alexander in the cemetery of his Macedonian family in the ancient capital of Igai.

 On the other hand, the conference decided to consider the matters of the leaders whose presence in the army was related to the war, as it decided to appoint them governors to each of them according to their importance, with the aim of getting rid of their problems and rebellion, as well as to appease them and reward them for their role.

 Among these leaders were the leader, Ptolemy, who had been devoted to Egypt, and Antigonus I Monophthalmus, who was the patron of Phrygia, and most of Asia's minor regions. Likewise, Commander Lysimachus, who passed over Thrace, and Commander Yumenis appointed Cappadocia, and Commander Leonatus Frigia, which is located on the Dardanelles Strait. This is in addition to other leaders who obtained their mandate throughout the various empires.

These former leaders played a major role in the conflicts that erupted after Alexander 's death in order to fulfill their ambitions that resulted in the emergence of the three Hellenistic kingdoms in the twenty years of Alexander' s death.

   It is noteworthy that Alexander gave Commander Karteros detailed and written instructions in which he commanded some matters. Before his death, Krateros proceeded to implement Alexander’s will in earnest, but the leaders stopped implementing that command after Alexander’s death despite knowing its text in order to achieve their ambitions.

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