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Ancient Egyptian Civilization

The stage of decline of the Ptolemaic state | Cleopatra
  (The stage of decline of the Ptolemaic state (Ptolemy V to XII) Ptolemy the Fourth died in 205. He was left on the throne by Ptolemy the F...
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 Religious life in Roman Egypt
 Religious life in Roman Egypt Where the poet Juvenal mentions in one of his poems about the worship of the Egyptians and their gods that tr...
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 Ptolemy III and Ptolemy IV
 Ptolemy III (246 - 222) BC He is the son of King Ptolemy the Great from his first wife (Arsinoe I), the daughter of Luciachus, one of the l...
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 The period of prosperity of the Ptolemaic state (Ptolemy II)
  The period of prosperity of the Ptolemaic state (Ptolemy I until Ptolemy IV) After the death of Ptolemy the First, his son Ptolemy II took...
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 Regional Cities and Territory Capitals in Roman Egypt
 Regional Cities and Territory Capitals in Roman Egypt When Augustus conquered Egypt, Egypt was divided into 30 administrative regions known...
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 The stage of establishing the Ptolemaic state (Ptolemy I)
 The stage of establishing the Ptolemaic state (Ptolemy I) Where the Ptolemaic state lasted for 3 centuries and was ruled by 15 ...
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Khufu Pyramid The great pyramid
( The Great Pyramid) (Pyramid of Khufu) Many changes appeared around the Great Giza Pyramid, which is called the Pyramid of Khufu, and all w...
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Court of the dead at the ancient Egyptians|The Book of the Dead
Court of the dead at the ancient Egyptians It became clear from the Book of the Dead for the ancient Egyptians many stories that tel...
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The origins of religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians| Various archaeological sources
The origins of religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians  Introduction  The study of the origins of religious doctrines of the an...
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