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The stage of decline of the Ptolemaic state | Cleopatra



(The stage of decline of the Ptolemaic state (Ptolemy V to XII)

Ptolemy the Fourth died in 205. He was left on the throne by Ptolemy the Fifth, at the age of no more than 5 years. Ptolemy the Fifth carried the PHP (Epiphanes), which means the Transfiguration or the Exemplary, and since that era began the struggle for the Ptolemaic throne, the spread of chaos, the emergence of guardians, and interference in the affairs of government.

The Fifth Syrian War

The Seleucid king (Antiochus III) and King Philip V of Macedonia took advantage of the instability of the Ptolemaic throne and began to control the external possessions of the Ptolemies. So (Antiochus III) began to occupy the interior of Syria, arrived in Gaza and eliminated the Ptolemaic forces in his position as Banyon in Jordan in the year 200 AD and then completed his campaigns to possessions The Ptolemies in Asia Minor and seized coastal cities such as (Caria and Kilicia), and Polybus reminds us that Rome sent an embassy to warn them not to occupy Egypt.

Inside Syria

In 196 BC Ptolemy, the Fifth reached the age of 14, so he welcomed the idea of ​​a joint marriage between his daughter (Antiochus) Cleopatra I from the Ptolemaic King Ptolemy the Fifth. The marriage was celebrated in 194-193 BC, and the ceremony was held on the site of the victory that Ptolemy IV achieved over his father The bride by the goal is to remind that and to make that area a border between the two kingdoms, and it is possible that this marriage took place according to the agreement that the bride presented her dowry, which is the heart of the problematic Syria that continued in the Sixth Syrian War.

And Ptolemy the Fifth died in 180 BC, after which his son Ptolemy VI (Phyumitor) took over from his mother 180-145 BC.

Inside Syria

The Fourth Syrian War (175-164) BC

There are no details of that war except that the Mosses (Eulaeus and Linnaeus) declared war on (Antiochus IV) the Seleucid king, who was the brother of the mother of the Ptolemaic king Ptolemy VI.

The battle began, according to which the Ptolemaic forces were defeated in (Belosium) in 169 BC, and (Antiochus IV) arrived at Memphis and arrested King Ptolemy the Sixth and placed him under his tutelage, but the people of Alexandria refused this and installed his younger brother Ptolemy VIII as king of the country, so Saranteukhos besieged it for a long time but Finally, he withdrew to Syria.

Ptolemy returned in 168 BC to attack Egypt again, but the Ptolemies sent an embassy to ask for help from Rome, which hurried and sent an embassy led by a member of the Senate (Gaius Bubilius Linas) to Alexandria and met the Seleucid king there and the area of ​​Eliot's and directed an immediate withdrawal from Egypt and from here the war ended Syrian sixth.

As a result of the intervention of Rome, Egypt became in the protection of the pomegranates, which helped it to do so with the problem of assuming the throne and family conflicts, and in 145 BC, the Syrian conflict began again, as King Ptolemy VI launched a campaign against Syria and that was because of his desire to control the Seleucid crown when it appeared. The dispute between Alexander Pallas and Demetrius II was the intervention of the Ptolemaic king that he proposed the marriage of his daughter (Cleopatra Shea) to Alexander Pallas.

Ptolemy the Sixth had hoped that his daughter would give birth to an heir to the throne, but this dream was in vain, as Demetrius II attacked Alexander Palas and took advantage of his preoccupation with the Ptolemaic Syria, but plotted a plot by a Ptolemaic ruler to get rid of the Ptolemaic king by order of his daughter's husband and chose to discover her and the Ptolemaic king's indignation against Alexander and his agreement with Demetrius and his marriage But the battle raged and ended with his death in 145 BC, ending the last attempt to recover the Ptolemaic property in the interior of Syria.

Rome and Cornea

When the Sixth and Eighth Ptolemaic Brothers were reconciled in 168 BC, a dispute erupted between them again in 164 BC, following the withdrawal of the Seleucid king Antiochus IV from Egypt, so Ptolemy the VIII obtained the Farra to Rome and its help dog, which ended the conflict by ruling Ptolemy VI to rule Egypt and Cyprus, and Ptolemy the VIII ruled Cornea as he feared his brother's control over his property, so he recommended Cornea to the Romans in the event of his death, and this is the first of its kind, but the opposite happened, where Ptolemy the Six died and the eighth became the king of Egypt and Cornea, but he left in Cornea an illegitimate son of him, Ptolemy Epion, who wrote The same will of his previous father, that Cornea will be transferred to the Romans after his death, in 96 BC.

Family conflict

The conflict appeared when Cleopatra the Second and her daughter stood against her, Cleopatra III, who married her uncle Ptolemy VIII, like her mother, and this conflict turned into a civil war in 132-124 BC, where both of them sought help from the Seleucids, and Cleopatra II asked for the help of her daughter's husband Cleopatra Theia, Demetrius II Thecator And he promised her the throne, and Ptolemy VIII requested his help from Antiochus the ruler of Groups and his wife Auntie Cleopatra Truvania, and Antiochus VIII was a rival to Demetrius II.

Rome intervened to stop this conflict by establishing a tripartite rule for Egypt for the first time and stipulating that Ptolemy VIII and Cleopatra the Second, a sister, and Cleopatra III, the wife, rule.

Cleopatra the Third had a very strong influence and political ambition to rule. After the death of Ptolemy VIII, the Alexandrian demanded and imposed the assumption of his eldest son Ptolemy the Ninth, but she wanted her son Ptolemy X because he loved her heart, but she was smarter as she forced the ninth to divorce his sister and wife Cleopatra IV and fled to Cyprus and took Ptolemy X Rule Egypt.

When Ptolemy IX wanted to return to Egypt to take his kingdom via Syria, Cleopatra III led the forces and went out to meet him in Palestine in 103 BC, under the pretext of retaking the interior of Syria, but its goal was to prevent her son from reaching Egypt.

Ptolemy X died, leaving his daughter and his widow Cleopatra Bertbeke the third, so the Romans, especially Commander Sulla, urged her to marry. Alexandrians and killed him.

Then he appointed an illegitimate son of Ptolemy IX in Cyprus and ruled by describing Ptolemy XII, meaning the Piper Olytus, but the Romans did not know him, so he tried to buy their consent and recognize him that he gave Pompey 8 thousand knights for the war against the Jews and gave Caesar 6 thousand knights to bear the title of friend and ally of the Romans.

When the Romans seized Cyprus and his brother committed suicide in 59 BC, Alexandrine revolted against him, so he fled to Rome and returned after a request from the commander Pompey from Gabinius, the governor of Syria, to restore him to the throne in 55 BC in order to pledge his kingdom and four years later, i.e. 51 BC. Zammar died and left the rule between his daughter Cleopatra the seventh and her brother Ptolemy the Thirteenth, and left a will to do so in Rome and Alexandria.

Cleopatra VII

After the death of Ptolemy Ptolemy XII he left two daughters (Cleopatra VII and Arsiphoni) and two sons, namely (Ptolemy the Thirteenth and Ptolemy XIV).

And Cleopatra VII assumed power jointly with her brother Ptolemy the Thirteenth after she married him and she was 17-18 years old and he was 7 years younger and the guardians began to intervene and said that she wanted to rule alone and get rid of her brother so the people of Alexandria revolted against her, so she left Alexandria to Belgium to collect an army And back again to Alexandria.

At the same time, Caesar and Yumbi were in a struggle in Thessaly against Greece in the Battle of Pharsalus, Caesar defeated Yumbe, who fled to Egypt and arrived in Alexandria in 48 BC. There, a delegation from Ptolemy the Thirteenth was received and was killed, and after that Caesar arrived in Alexandria and learned of the morals and wanted Reconciliation and reconciliation between the two brothers.

And the attempt to reach Cleopatra to Caesar with the help of Apollodorus, but Caesar failed to reconcile between them, Ptolemy the Thirteenth raised the people of Alexandria against her, as well as the forces stationed in Lilusium to fight Cleopatra and the Roman commander. And her brother Ptolemy the Fourteenth, a king, and a married couple were 9 years her junior.

Zebbadha went to a Nile cruise with Caesar in 47 BC, which resulted in a child from Caesar and named him Ptolemy XV, and in 46 BC, Cleopatra went to Rome and stayed in his house, and Caesar set up a gold statue for her in the temple of the gods' Venus the mother and they resided there for two years Caesar confessed his son and ended up killing Caesar in 44 BC and left Rome and got rid of Ptolemy the Fourteenth and took control of the country with her son, who was not 3 years old.

The conflict erupted in Rome to avenge those who killed Caesar, and power was distributed among his commanders (Mark Antonius and Octavius), and the Roman states were divided among them, Antonius took the eastern states and Octavius ​​the western states. The marriage resulted in two sons, Ptolemy Philadelphus, Alexander Helios, and Cleopatra Silvi.

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