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The stage of establishing the Ptolemaic state (Ptolemy I)

 The stage of establishing the Ptolemaic state (Ptolemy I)

Where the Ptolemaic state lasted for 3 centuries and was ruled by 15 kings who bore the name of Ptolemy and knew the Hellenistic era in Egypt in the Ptolemaic era, and French scholars called the kings of the Ptolemaic state the name of the sons of Lagos.

Foreign relations of the Ptolemaic state

External relations are represented in its relations with the rest of the Hellenistic kingdoms in the eastern Mediterranean, the power of Rome in the western Mediterranean, and the external relations of the Ptolemaic state and its control and influence are linked to internal stability factors achieved by the Ptolemaic kings in the rule of Egypt. Ptolemy II to the Fourth and the stage of weakness, which is from Ptolemy the Fifth until Ptolemy the 12th.

But this makes us stand at an important point, which is the most important of the two kings, namely Ptolemy the First, the founder, and Cleopatra VII, the last of the Ptolemaic kings, as it is mentioned that she was a meteor who caught the eye.

The foundation stages (323 -384 BC)

Where Ptolemy the First came to Egypt during Alexander's campaign against it in 332 BC and returned again after the death of Alexander and the division of the Empire's administration after the Babylon Conference in 323 BC, but he returned as (Satrapi) meaning the ruler of Egypt, and in 305 BC he declared himself King of Egypt even though he was running it from 323 until 305 BC as if it was his kingdom, and in 285 BC Ptolemy the son of Lagos joined his son Ptolemy the Second in ruling with him until his death in 283 BC, where Ptolemy the First ruled about 40 He laid the foundation for his state from the system of the throne guardianship, its administration and its external relations, where Ptolemy the First left a great kingdom that controlled the ills of Syria, Cyprus and some of the southern coasts of Asia, its influence extending in the countries of Greece and the Aegean Sea in Libya.

Ptolemaic foreign policy

The Ptolemaic foreign policy is divided into four axes (Coenea, the interior of Syria, Greece, the Mediterranean, and Rome).


Ptolemy I was interested in Cornea from the first moment and turned it to Egypt as a guardian of it, where a delegation of the aristocratic class arrived to ask him for help against the Spartans, the Greeks, and their democratic party. Ptolemy, I agreed to help as a patron of the region.

The importance of Cornea since the reign of Alexander and the arrival of a delegation from it to the tribes of Alexander in (Parationion), which is the city of Marsa Matruh now, when he was heading to the Siwa Oasis to visit the Temple of Amun.

He sent Ptolemy the Commander (Ophilas) and assisted the aristocratic delegation and installed himself as commander over the region and established a new city bearing the name of the city of Ptolemaic in 322 - 321 BC, and (Ophilas) drew up a constitution for the city when the people of (Corinthia) tried to rebel the Ptolemaic rule and Ptolemy ruled his grip on it. (Cornea) represents the northwestern borders of the Ptolemaic Kingdom.

Cornea remained subject to the influence of the Ptolemies until the year 96 BC when the king (Ptolemy of Appion) recommended her to the illegitimate son of Ptolemy VIII, who had previously made the same commandment when he assumed power jointly with his brother Ptolemy VI and feared that his kingdom might inherit it from the Romans, but the opposite happened and he died Ptolemy the sixth and the eighth took over the rule of Egypt and Cornea after the death of (Ophilas) appointed Ptolemy I (Magas), the son of his second wife (first Bernice) from her first husband in the year 296 BC.

Gofe Syria (Coele Syria)

Ptolemy began to intervene in it after the conference of (Trabiaradelius) in 318 BC and set up his protector in Tomb of PBUH, and the beginning of the war against (Antigonus) who seized the property of (Seleucus) in Babylon and who fled in a course to Egypt, and the leaders made an alliance against (Antigonus) where he joined (Ptolemy, Seleucus, Lucimachus, and Cassandras) Ptolemy succeeded in defeating the forces of (Antigonus) led by the daughter of (Demetrius) in Gaza in 312 BC, and this is known as the third stage of the wars of the caliphs or the Babylonian wars.

But Ptolemy’s conquest of Gaza did not last long, as Antigonus came to it again in 302 BC and renewed the alliance against him again. As a result, Ptolemy entered the interior of Syria and had left it in 301 BC, when a rumor reached him that his allies had defeated the leaders in ( Ipsos) in France in North Asia Minor in the year 301 BC, but returned and occupied it for the fourth time, which after that became a problem between the Ptolemaic and Seleucid kingdoms.

The Mediterranean and Greece

During the occupation of Ptolemy, his mystery was mentioned that he sent a tutelary force to Cyprus, which had wealth divided between supporters of Ptolemy and supporters of Antigonus, but Ptolemy sent his fleet to it with the help of the kings of the cities supporting him and the king of the city of Salamis called (Nicocepion) was able to eliminate the supporters of Antigonus and annex the island to his control in the year 309 B.C. Ptolemy carried out naval campaigns against cities in small South Asia such as (Lycia and Caria) and annexed them to Egyptian control.

In the year 308 BC, he crossed with his fleet to the country of Greece and annexed all of (Corinth Megara and Sequin) to his control, but he was confronted by (Demetrius) the son of Antigonus, who became more influential in the country of Greece until the year 297 BC in the year Vai (Cassandras).

In the year 306 BC, the fleet of Demetrius attacked the Ptolemaic fleet led by (Menelaus) the brother of the Ptolemaic king Ptolemy, and the fleet of (Demetrius) managed to defeat him in his position (Salamis) on the coast of Cyprus, and thus Ptolemy lost his control over the island.

However, the island of Rhodes remained in its covenant with Ptolemy after Demetrius besieged it for a year (305-304 BC), but Ptolemy’s aid prevented it from falling into the hands of Demetrius. Therefore, Demetrius concluded a peace agreement to break the siege that stipulated that Dodus would not stand with the enemies of Demetrius and Onegonus, except for Ptolemy for that. He bore the title Sauter Savior.

From that date until the year 295 BC, Ptolemy's attempts to impose influence in Greece stopped, but he returned to Cyprus to his control in 295 BC.

Thus, we can say that Ptolemy the First, despite the founding stage of his kingdom in Egypt, was not far from the conflict in the country of Greece between the Allies, and evidence of that when Antigonus declared the freedom of the country of the Greeks, Ptolemy hastened and announced a declaration bearing the same words and knowledge that demand the freedom of the countries of Greece and the rule of independence that came Enjoyed by the Greek city-states.

The aim of each of them in this declaration was to obtain the largest support for each of them by the Greek cities


It did not have great military powers in the Mediterranean, so it had no relationship with Ptolemy the First.

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