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Civilizations against the Corona virus( Covid-19)

Civilizations against the Corona virus( Covid-19)

Civilizations against the Corona-virus( Covid-19)


On this topic, we will talk about many of the things we are dealing with these days, which are among the most important topics that the world talks about, which is the Corona-virus or what is known as (COVID 19), and through this place, we would like to show you paths or actions that people must take The direction of this virus and its confrontation to preserve the features and origins of these civilizations, whether they are ancient civilizations such as the ancient Egyptian civilization or the Greek civilization or the Roman civilization or the founders of new civilizations and also the countries and peoples of the new world and the preservation of its heritage and we will talk with you on this subject and we will divide it into several sections, namely:
   First: The measures that people must follow in the face of the Corona-virus to preserve different civilizations and cultures, Second: The role of the superpowers in preserving their heritage and civilizations, Third: How to deal with the archaeological areas that bear many of the characteristics of these civilizations, Fourth: Joint cooperation between countries In the face of this virus, Fifth: What happens after the Corona-virus (COVID 19) in terms of heritage and different civilizations.

First- the measures that people must follow in the face of the Corona-virus:

First- the measures that people must follow in the face of the Corona-virus:
  Through our study of the implications of this virus, we find that states and peoples must take all measures that they secure to preserve the different civilizations and cultures from this deadly virus and one of the most important of these measures:

- Total or partial ban:

   We find that the ban, whether in whole or in part, is a basic measure to reduce the transmission of infection between people, but it may negatively affect other things such as knowledge or study by many people. Because of this ban, the movement of students and professors collectively has been prevented from attending many conferences that were in connection with it. Spreading knowledge or disseminating information related to many civilizations and also disrupting the exchange of cultures of many peoples and civilizations between countries and some of them. Instead, all culture houses of all these countries must not stop spreading their culture and research based on many of these civilizations and transferring them through the Internet to interest between countries, students, and researchers in these civilizations.

-Close many gathering places, such as libraries, universities, and scientific editions:

   Many countries and herbivores have closed universities, scientific edifices, and libraries that contain a very large number of students, researchers, and university professors who come to them every day. These libraries, universities, and scientific edifices have contributed greatly to the presentation of information and many books you talk about about the cultures of these different civilizations. All these students and researchers were Libraries and universities benefit greatly in obtaining information. For example, we visit you, dear visitors, we prefer tangible physical information about digital information to obtain accurate information. Universities and libraries included many sources. References and ancient manuscripts that are described to us these cultures, civilizations and origins and effects that belong to the one who should be on the countries and peoples to provide these libraries and scientific books and resources heavily on digital platforms or websites to give researchers and students gatherers easy access to information.

-Various archaeological and cultural places:

   So many countries that include many archaeological museums and archaeological sites closed them completely in order to improve the demise of the Corona-virus or the so-called (COVID 19) because it was considered one of the gathering places that the researcher and the university students intended to get to know, in a tangible and tangible way, on these different civilizations, the state must display these museums On the internet sites permanently and make a plan to display these areas and archaeological museums and make a plan for them and divide them into sections for easy access to these museums and archaeological sites to give the researcher a somewhat realistic picture of these places and also by uploading them to the websites with pictures It is suitable for all groups because these places are intended for all groups, from children to the elderly.

Second: The role of the great powers in preserving their heritage and civilizations:

     This topic or section is an integral part of the previous topic because the great countries that have large civilizations must preserve their heritage in a large way, ensuring them the continuity of arriving tourists visiting these civilized places permanently after the problem of the Corona-virus or the so-called (COVID 19) is overcome, by publishing On the websites, pictures and cultural videos and illustrations of these places, with beautiful aesthetic images, to give the tourist the increased passion for visiting some of these great problems. 

Third: How to deal with the archaeological areas that bear many of the characteristics of these civilizations:

    This step is a complementary step to the above, which is to keep these archaeological areas in their aesthetic form and not to be neglected by them to take refuge and a beautiful area ready to receive many tourists later Corona, so countries that contain many archaeological areas must preserve them and give their workers all the tools necessary to sterilize them and protect themselves From transmission of infection to work to keep these places clean and sterile permanently and ready to receive tourists again in a beautiful and wonderful way. 

Fourth: Joint cooperation between countries in facing the Corona-virus (COVID 19):

  All countries and peoples should cooperate and exchange with each other in many cultural fields that help to preserve different civilizations and cultures through exchanging civilization information and different civilization influences on countries. There are many European countries that contain cultures and some archaeological and cultural places that are different from their nature, Therefore, cultural exchanges and cooperation between countries must continue to maintain the heritage and cultures shared between countries.

Fifth: What after the Corna-virus (COVID 19) in terms of heritage and different civilizations:

   We find that if countries apply these steps that we see through us as important steps in preserving the heritage and cultures of these civilizations, we will find, after passing through this crisis, that these countries have largely preserved much different information and cultures for these civilizations that help many people, but rather And different peoples to know each other more and more, as well as mutual togetherness and mutual exchange between them and the consolidation of cultural relations with each other and the permanent preservation of these civilizations, keep the peoples staying and I know their origins and pride in them and in the first place served many researchers and university students and university professors N to get information and connect them together and take full advantage of these relations and cultural exchanges that contribute significantly to the promotion of cultures when these students and researchers..

   At the end thank you about your visiting our site and we glade and happy to help you to get some information about you studies

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