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Classical technical terms for Islamic architecture

Classical technical terms for Islamic architecture | Islamic architecture

Classical technical terms for Islamic architecture


The concept of Muqarnas

The Muqarnas is considered one of the most prominent types of Islamic motifs, and it consists of small, arched-like niches that hang on top of each other in layers and rows in an artistic manner that includes concave prismatic forms. In Muqarnas, art historians in Europe are known as stalactites, meaning limestone suspended from the bottom of some caves and caves.

And this word has been popular among Europeans working in the field of Islamic arts to denote all images of this decorative element. However, this designation only applies to one type of Muqarnas, which is Muqarnas with indications. 

The concept of Muqarnas in multiple languages

Damascene adopts the term Muqarnas in his book (The Beginning and the End) by saying: “Its roof is Muqarnas in gold, and the chains suspended in it are all gold and silver ...” As al-Maqrizi glitters in “Sermons and Mind”: “It contains Muqarnas, one piece that is almost the spectator is astonished by the pure gold windows and the gold models. The Castilian language preserved the Arabic origin of this term and referred to it as (Mokarbes) or (Mokarnes).


The concept of securitization

The term securitization is called the floral motifs that are distinguished by their leafy shapes, which are inspired by the floral and leafy shape. This type of decoration consists of intertwined branches that are difficult for the eye, sometimes tracking their curves, and overlapping their legs.

 It expresses an exaggeration in sophistication, extravagance in the crowd that calls for mental escalation, and the multiplicity of readings and interpretation in a clear tendency to interpretation from the path of abstraction. Although this color of ornament is associated with animal elements, it remains confined to plant units only, because animal elements are often the subject of miniatures that represent a symbolic, or sometimes impressionable, perception beyond the visual perception, especially as it relates to the subject of Paradise in other life. 

These miniatures were embodied in Islamic and Persian photography precisely. As for afforestation, the securitization boat is in some of its minutes, but it differs from it in some of its elements expressed in chains and branches.

While flowering securitization preserved the flower elements in the drawing from cup, corolla, lion, and pestle, afforestation got rid of these delicate details and it suffices to express veins and branches, and the edges of the veins fluctuate in curved formations that express growth and continuity, and some of the lamb Evidence of trees touched in small leaves on the branches of their branches and their branches.

The concept of securitization in multiple languages

And the Spanish language has preserved the Arabic term and adopted the word (atorikk), meaning securitization, while the French word (arabesque), or (arabesque), as some refer to it, seems to fall short of keeping up with the Arabic term, and that confusion between (arabe), which is Attribution of this art to Arabs, and between (arbre), which means quoting this art from its elements of trees or plants. 

And the origin of this Arabic term conflicted with the naming that Bashir Faris (Al-Raqqash) gave in his book (Arabic conventions for the art of photography), which means the good handwriting as most of the old Arabic dictionaries shine to the owner of Naft al-Tayyib from the wet branch of al-Andalus mentions a man named Muhammad bin Ahmad, (he was a scientist in the industry of securitization), and  " Ibn Jubayr" uses this term in conjunction with the word (afforestation): “And with it two marbles connected to the wall of the stone opposite to the gutter, the most recent maker of them is fine securitization and afforestation. 


The concept of Frieze

The frieze is one of the elements of decoration that Islamic architecture alone did not specialize in.

 It was known in the buildings of earlier civilizations about Islam, and it is a curved, square, or circular strip or straight frame framing the walls, arches, doors and windows. It comes flat, embossed, or recessed, and is made by assembly, drilling, and carving on marble, plaster, wood, or copper, and it is knotted or open, full, and empty. 

Al-Maqrizi adopted this term in (exhortations and consideration): " And the princes are standing in their prescribed places, so the door owner, and Asfar al-Askar from both sides of the door, left and right, followed by sticking to the outside of it the door of the commandant and the keeper as well, then arranging them according to their quantities, so each one does not exceed his place thus to the end of the hallway: which is the frieze above the floor of the hall.

The concept of Frieze in multiple languages

The Castilian language preserved the term frieze in the word: (alfiz), and it corresponds to it (frise) in the French language. And (arraba), which is the fourth or Tora, meaning curls wrapped on the armrests. 

The term (albanega), that is, the structure of the necklace, and its meaning is the triangular space left over from the arc surrounded by a square cornice.

 And the term (alizar) i.e. the Izar, which is a written or decorative style that surrounds either the roof or the lower part of the walls, and also means a marble or glaz covering covering the lower parts of the walls, or what is going on above the wooden models directly under the wooden ceiling. The term equates to: the French word (lambris), le bandeau horizontal, or cladding and revêtement. 

The Castilian language also preserved the terms of martial architecture: the word (adarve), to denote the trail, and It is the promenade of the fence, which is equivalent in the French language (chemin de ronde), and the word (barbacana) or (barbacane) in French, that is,) barbacane(, which is a Persian word meaning the front eyebrow that precedes the main barrier of the fence, or expressed in the curtain (le paravent).

 And it is a system that was common in Byzantine architecture, and the Arabs used this meaning in two systems: the first means the outbound belt according to the expression of Ibn Abi Zara in the Rawdat Al Qurtas, and the second is the faction, and from the terms also we find (atalya), that is, the Vanguard.

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