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establish the Ancient Egyptian Civilization|Ancient Egyptian civilization

establish the Ancient Egyptian Civilization|Ancient Egyptian civilization

Ancient Egyptian civilization

The most important factors that helped establish the Ancient Egyptian Civilization:

The environmental factor is considered one of the most important factors that contributed greatly to the ancient Egyptian civilization. Since ancient times, Egypt possessed good natural environmental ingredients and elements necessary to establish a strong and ancient civilization, and these environmental elements affected the perpetuation of human strains that settled on the land of Egypt and also affected the impact Great in the origins of the ancient Egyptian civilization and contributed to its growth and development. This is due to the efforts of the ancient Egyptian man through many historical times, and among the most important of these environmental factors (good geographical location and model, the increase of rock formations such as various stones and minerals, the presence of the great river, the Nile River and the abundant water of abundance , And the presence of many valley lands and arable lands and vast oases, and the presence of natural protective borders for Egyptian lands such as deserts, mountains, seas, and a mild climate).

Good and unique geographical location:

Where Egypt is located in the northernmost part of the African continent, and the area of Egypt from the African continent is about 3% of the continent's area, and this contributed greatly to the establishment of ancient Egyptian civilization, as it surrounds Egypt on the two sides of the north, the Mediterranean, and on the east, the Red Sea and people from Asia meet Africa and southern Europe, and this made Egypt one of the most important regions for the emergence and birth of civilizations in the ancient East.
This unique site controlled transportation in the east, west, north, and south, which helped to establish links and relationships in various forms, manifestations, and images between Egypt and the rest of the ancient world that surrounded it and who were affected by the civilization of its people.

Abundant rock formations, stones and minerals:

The surface of Egypt consists of multiple types of rocks, whether it is igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks or metamorphic rocks. The distribution of rocks and their basic composition are as follows:

Crystalline rocks:

It is one of the most valuable types of rocks on the surface of Egyptian lands, and its geological age is due to the oldest and most ancient known  geological  times, which is the Arkian or what is Cambrian time, and for this is called the Arkian rocks, which is a complex rock complex in which igneous and metamorphic rocks of fiery or sedimentary origin mix and which form the geological basis The basement and these rocks occupy about 10% of the total area of the Egyptian lands. They are found extensively in the eastern desert in the mountains of the Red Sea and also cover the southern third of the Sinai Peninsula.

Nubian sand stones:

It covers about 29% of the area of the Egyptian lands with a thickness of about 500 meters and extends to great distances outside the borders of the country where it can be traced over a distance of more than 1500 km west and extends to the south at the same distance, and these stones are characterized by good multi-color classification and suitable for various purposes in this construction Besides Al-Marmar Stone, it is located near Helwan, in the southeast of Tel el-Amarna and the Egyptian Alabaster.

Chalk and limestone marine rocks:

It covers about 43% of the surface of the Egyptian lands and it belongs to different and varied geological eras, the most important of which is Cretaceous from the second time and the Eocene and Myosin from the third time with varying proportions and proportions, and these stones were formed as a result of the advancement of the ancient Geithner Sea, which is the origin of the current Mediterranean Sea and stone Al-Jerry is considered a main building stone used in basic and multiple forms in ancient Egyptian architecture. Its layers extend between Cairo and Qena.

Egg limestone hills:

It is found in the northern western desert, marine sediments, high beaches, valley sediments, delta, sandy hills and coral reefs, and it covers about 16% of the total area of ​​Egypt.

Stone and gravel rocks:

It is present from the Oligocene and basalt rocks and occupies about 2% of the total area of ​​Egypt, and the hardness and strength of some of these rocks and stones allowed them to remain for long periods of time. And building ancient Egyptian civilization

That is why the rocks contributed greatly to the building and construction of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and you will explain the rest of the factors that helped the establishment and establishment of the ancient Egyptian civilization in many of the upcoming topics.

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