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Etruscan civilization |The Etruscans

Etruscan civilization |The Etruscans

Etruscan civilization

The Etruscans:

They are the people of Italy's residence before the Romanians, and there were many limitations between the Etruscan people and the Romanian people over the political sovereignty of the region in the north of Rome. This was at the age of 500 B.C. and they had reached the height of their power at that time.

And a group of federal cities spreads their influence and power over the empire that stretched from Campania in the south to the valley of the Aloe River in the north, and despite all these challenges, Rome was finally able to rule its grip and power over these dispersed countries.

Etruscan's language:

There are many opinions that talked about the origin of the Etruscans. Their language was carved by about 10 thousand inscriptions attributed to a very old patron roll in the Mediterranean basin, and most of the levers of this language are still mysterious until now.

No one knows if this original language or is a language that has been introduced by some invaders, and there is no concrete civilized separation between the Filans, who are in northern Italy, where their history dates back to the early Iron Age and their counterpart from the Etruscan people.

And many manifestations of Etruscan worship appeared, which reflected many of the eastern influences and customs of the Etruscan people.

In spite of the ambiguity of the origin of the Etruscans, they did, in the late seventh century BC, have obtained a strong cultural and linguistic unity that reflected many aspects of their civilizations. In the seventh century BC. M.

Etruscan's tombs and motifs:

These tombs took the form of stones engraved in the rock. These chambers in the north were a rectangular shape, and the temples were made of wood, the upper layers of which were decorated with clay motifs.

 These pictures are the drawings on the graves in Kairi and Fei, after which many colorful colorful scenes came in Gyusi and Orvieto, and the dead Etruscan artist blended his daily favorite hobbies with some diabolical scenes.

The Etruscan's Metal industries:

The Etruscans are the owners of the metal industry and they are considered among the first to manufacture minerals and they enjoyed a high degree of skill and accuracy in the manufacture of minerals and their decoration in a precise and wonderful manner, as their mineral products were exported to vast and large areas located within the world of the Mediterranean.

Metal industries and their forms varied among the Etruscans, making various vessels, weapons, and metal cups, decorating them, and decorating them with many wonderful decorations that reflected all the peoples of the Mediterranean Etruscan civilization.

One of the wonderful examples depicted in the Etruscan civilization in the form of small and large statues that reflected the great skill of the Etruscans in the use of minerals is the most important (bronze) unlike other minerals such as silver, iron, and gold. Etruscans use bronze to make their statues, which reflect the strength of their civilization.

There were many traditions in making statues, and from these traditions, they make statues from bronze and are supported by clay. The usual and usual material that was used to cut smaller sculptures, unlike large dictations, had traditions and methods different from this method of making small statues.

The busts or masks that represent the face of a dead man and his style in making metal masks are linked to the funeral of the Etruscans, where the makers used to make for the dead a metal mask representing the face of the dead man and leave in the grave part of the funeral goods and sculptures found in the grave with him and the manufacture of masks for the dead was The most common is sculptures left with the dead in a lark.

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