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Tyranny Ottoman rule|Story in Tyranny Ottoman rule

Tyranny Ottoman rule|Story in Tyranny Ottoman rule

 Story in Tyranny Ottoman rule

Saloniki or Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki is famous for having won the constitution at the hands of its free people and is one of the largest Ottoman cities and lies on the sea, like some of the Ottoman cities, and its population is about 150 thousand people, including 60 thousand Jews, and the rest are Ottoman Turks, Romans, Macedonians, Albanians and after various nationalities, and one of the most important reasons for a large number of Jews is that They came to it from Spain, Astana, and other countries and they still speak the Spanish language.

The city has a wide berth that extends on the beach, a half-hour walk and on the side of many trees bordered by luxury homes on one side, and the sea on the other side, which is the most beautiful Saloniki parks that people walk by car or walk.

Saloniki Municipal Park

The municipal garden is one of the best parks in Thessaloniki, as it is one of the best parks and parks in which to spend time chatting or enjoying the atmosphere, and it is very large and spacious with many different types of trees, winds, flowers and many cafes and restaurants.

Municipal Garden is similar to the Pte Shan Garden in Al-Astana and the Azbakeya Garden in Egypt, which students of hiking or having fun comes during the day and night.

Municipal park and the time of tyranny

During Abd al-Hamid's time, if people entered the municipal garden or other places where the meetings were suitable, they would speak to a whisper so that none of the spies could hear them so that the words did not pass, and that would cause them to be killed.

Where spying became in the time of the tyrant Abd al-Hamid amounted to a physician and violent did not have a similar in a time, especially in the late days where many incidents that occurred during the era of Abd al-Hamid because of his spies.

The story of the article and the tyrannical ruling of the Turkish ruler

On a day in the spring of 1907, the municipal garden was at its best analyzed and its pictures were covered in nature with a green suit because of the abundance of trees and plants decorated with flowers and winds, and people flocked to them as usual and most of the women dressed in the Afghan dress and some of them in the Ottoman Turkish dress where some Turkish women came to the garden and chose one of them even Not be exposed to the eyes of passers-by and under a tree A middle-aged woman sat on a park bench and a girl sat next to her in the prime of youth and the council was flooded with literature, beauty, pleasure, dignity, and respect, and their clothes were long with long sleeves that only showed a robe in brown and their hair braided in the Frankish style and covered The veil was transparent and was between the elders and the girl, almost intense between them.

In the hand of the girl was a French newspaper in which she looked carefully with someone to see her and she folded many folds until her size diminished and people did not notice her so she read part of it and then ran it to read the rest and her mother was waiting for the girl to translate to her when she was reading and she stopped and turned around herself if someone was watching her and she was in the newspaper His article was talking about Hawa the tyranny of the ruler Abdel Hamid to the Turkish people, and she said to her mother that the writer stresses the mistreatment of the ruler of the Ottomans and threatens them with the demise of their rule and protests their treatment to them and the injustice and looting that the Turkish ruler is doing to their people.

This article was for one of the girl's friends, so I met him and warned him of what came from this article from terms that could be harmed later by the tyranny, injustice, and oppression at the hands of the Turkish ruler Abdel Hamid, so he told her that it is the least that this ruler and the people who run the country deserve, so do not be afraid because we are about to replace the rivers with blood Instead of water, the girl feared her boyfriend, and she said to him, "I do not need see blood in my people , I need  show the truth and remove the injustice from us and  the Turkish people."

The Spy who killed the Boy

     There was a friend of this boy who had the article, the girl did not like him and doubted him all the time, so when they came out the girl and the boy who wrote the article told him in French to warn him of this strange boy, fearing for him or suggesting him and causing him to be killed, and this is what happened. This boy was one of the spies of the Turkish ruler and  The author of the article and soon to enter his home, but caught him and put him in prison and killed the boy who owned the article and the girl was saddened a lot and shouted shouting to bring right from that corrupt Turkish ruler.

This is what happened in this park, which is called the municipal garden in Thessaloniki, one of the Ottoman cities, which showed the extent of the tyranny of the Turkish Ottoman rule to the Turkish people.
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