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Museums in ancient times |Museum architecture

Museums in ancient times |Museum architecture

Museums in ancient times

an introduction 

The museums are considered one of the most important educational and educational establishments of various kinds, their goals, and the things that display them. The museums contribute to enhancing the educational process through realistic and concrete experiences that reflect many civilizations and their types and different orientations for students of science at all levels of study.

Museum concept

Some organizations, such as the American Museum Organization, believe that museums are places for collecting human and natural heritage, taking into account the preservation of it and the display of its selections for a scientific and cultural purpose, and this is not realized in the museum if it does not have the technical capabilities and many experiences about its management and what is presented and how it is exposed.

As for the World Museums Museum, it says that the museum is a permanent institute that works to collect and preserve heritage, whether it is confused with a man and what he is or linked to the nature in which he lived or to science and its purpose of study and education as well as entertainment and pleasure, museums are a mirror of civilizations that reflect the history of previous nations in front of Current generations.

What are the museum and its architectural body?

It is a public memorial building open to the people of all sects, whether it is students of science, scholars, researchers, professors or other common people who enter museums for the purpose of amusement and entertainment, and the architectural body of the museum must consider the issue of lighting where lighting is considered one of the most important elements on which the museum depends In how to display the artifacts, whether natural or industrial lighting, as well as entrances and exits and the itineraries of visitors and presidents of museums, according to the architectural principles, in proportion to the value and types of archaeological exhibits.

The origins and development of the museum through the ages

The museum is not the result of modern times, but it appeared a long time ago and was considered an educational and entertainment institution and a research center from which researchers can benefit in their research on different aspects of civilizations in different eras and periods. 

The museum is the place where artifacts of various shapes, colors, and artifacts are rare and precious, whose value increases as more A lot of time passed and it was attributed to the time in which it was found, hence the idea of ​​museums emerged from ancient times to preserve the antiques and heritage of different civilizations from the Pharaonic era to the modern era.

Museums in ancient times

Museums of the ancient Egyptians

The ancient Egyptians are considered the first to care about building museums and that the ancient Egyptian temples along with the religious purpose which is the basis for building temples in which display and acquisition were available even though they did not have the concept of the museum and it can be said that ancient Egyptian temples are more like museums.

And art in ancient times was used in temples for a religious purpose in order to give the temples a realistic and spiritual character away from immobility and mystery. The museum and its origins are closely related to the ancient Egyptians, because of their love for all that is beautiful, rare, precious and of no value or poison, if this was linked to a religious concept in the first place.

Museums in the ancient Greeks

Where the idea of ​​museums began in the countries of the Greeks in cities and temples, where museums were established that collected many different statues and artistic monuments that reflect ancient Greek civilization and were presented in an attractive style to decorate the places where they were arranged and put in to align with the place and this arrangement and harmony was an aesthetic purpose and not for the academic purpose and was It is known that the temples in the ancient Greek world contain warehouses containing all the valuable and valuable gold, jewelry, and minerals, and they were considered as banks for them, as the country's wealth was measured at this time with its temples.

And with the increasing wealth of the Romans in the wake of their wide and different conquests over the ages, their tendency to acquire treasures increased with the passage of time until it reached its button during the last century. In the city of Mumbai and other different Italian cities where the purpose of the idea of ​​the existence of museums was to display artistic images to the people to educate them and work to raise the intellectual level in order to appreciate the beauty and good taste, where the best of what is in art is to be at the disposal of the people of various categories And for everyone who wants to enjoy it.
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