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The Eskimos Civilization|The traditions of the Eskimos

The Eskimos Civilization|The traditions of the Eskimos

The Eskimos Civilization

Several developments in the Eskimos traditions occurred between the years 200 and 100 BC. M between peoples who lived around a strait located in a country called "Alaska", and then spread to the arctic regions of Canada and the island of Greenland, but these traditions did not bring all of them from America as some believe, but these traditions gradually developed from the civilizations that preceded the Eskimos and among the most important of these traditions Which developed "Small Arctic Tools, Nucleus Making, and Fuchsia Fragments."

The traditions of the Eskimos

At the same time, the Eskimos receive great support from the Medieval Stone Age and the Iron Stone Age civilizations in Siberia, and the climate plays an important and significant role in the distinctive characteristics of the Eskimos, where one of the most important characteristics of the climate in the Eskimos is the persistence of ice and long dark periods in the Arctic and the temperatures that Often below zero.

Advantages of the Eskimos Civilization

It is considered one of the most important distinguishes of the Eskimos from the rest of the civilizations is the tradition of hunting. The Eskimos became famous for the great interest in hunting and come at the forefront of the game of sea animals, where whales and calves were considered one of the main sources of food in spite of hunting different types of fish and birds.

The walrus is the main wild animal that Eskimo hunt, and there were some historical Eskimos that depended on it.

The physical civilization of the Eskimos is characterized by being of one style and layout from prehistoric times until the twentieth century where houses in the winter months were partly underground and their houses were built from the bones of whales that are caught as we said in the previous paragraph and also enters floating wood and stones in the construction of houses where stones are considered And the dust-covered in the houses.

On the other hand, the huts, especially those in the Arctic region of Canada, were constructed of snowboards and were mostly giving this semicircular shape for the winter, while for the summer the houses consisted of tents in leather.

Resistances in the Eskimos

There were many resistances that helped the establishment of the Eskimos civilization, where nature helped a great deal, especially hunting animals, to protect the inhabitants of Eskimos, as they used leather from the animals that they caught in clothing, and also making boats that in turn helped them navigate the seas to hunt marine fish, whales, and other animals Which were used for food and clothing, and there were two types of boats the first type is called: "Kayak" or closed boat, and the second type is called "Adamic" or open boat.

Hunting is considered as we have said before it is one of the most important resistors that helped the emergence of the Eskimos. They devoted everything in the service of hunting, from making leather clothes to protect them from the cold, as well as making boats of all kinds, whether they were closed or open on the way of leather and wood.

However, the archaeological record of the Eskimos is based on the tools that were used in hunting the animals from which the skins were taken, and the most important war with the hook is its parts made of bone, stone, and ivory, because it is the most popular and famous tool among the Eskimos, because it is the most important living tool in the life of the Eskimos.

Bayonets with hooks

The bayonets with hooks were among the most important tools that the Eskimos used in their daily life and were made of several parts: a wooden handle and a handle of either bone or ivory fixed in a cavity of bone or ivory also on the wooden handle, and then a tapered head on the front handle was removable Snow pick is attached to the heel of the handle and a place for fixing the finger made of bone or ivory in the center of the handle.

Many of these parts and huge quantities of them have been found in the Eskimo sites where the distinction of the various civilizations and sub-civilizations of the Eskimos was made possible by the few functional and stylistic changes of these parts and their differences from each other. The biggest share in distinguishing these civilizations from each other.
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