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Scientific research

Scientific research

Scientific research or research by the scientific method is an organized human behavior that aims investigating the validity of given information or hypothesis or clarifying a situation or phenomenon and understanding its causes and mechanisms addressing it or finding a successful solution to a specific problem or social behavior of interest to the individual and society.

Or testing the success of new techniques for developing products, such as introducing agriculture without soil into new systems in vegetable production and testing the success of new species and varieties specific to this cultivation.

What is scientific research

Scientific research is a behavioral system that aims to grow human cognition and increase its ability to function benefiting from what is above and below the wealth to provide a decent civilized life for the individual and society.

 He is conscious procedural behavior that occurs with various planning and implementation processes to obtain results

Intended, which is a behavioral system that consists of the following elements:


The search system inputs consist of a number of elements, the most important of which is the researcher and his knowledge the specialist in scientific research, the problem, the feeling of it, its choice for research, then the purpose or research goal, previous studies and research to solve it, and hypotheses and assumptions addressed the problem and the possibilities available for this treatment in addition to the difficulties encountered in operations treatment and the importance of its solution to human knowledge and the benefit for the individual and society, and concepts and terms that will be covered by the research.


It consists of problem research methodology and appropriate statistical design research and its conditions or procedures for solving the problem to reach the intended results or methods and techniques for testing the proposed hypotheses about the research , operating tools, devices, methods of taking readings, samples, and what materials are required their specifications, approximate quantities, methods of data collection, and methods of statistical analysis interpretation and discussion of results.


It consists of the results of scientific research including the results of measurements and experiments field and laboratory tests arranged in tables include the results of the analysis statistical data is then summarized in tables, figures, or graphs that contribute to highlighting the significant results are averaged only. The outputs also include the solutions that have been implemented reaching it out from conclusions, recommendations, and implications, then the scientific paper or research the published written statement that should include the three input system elements processes and outputs

Evaluative controls

It includes the evaluation of the research by a tripartite committee that includes specialists in the subject of the research and includes:

Evaluation points for the three elements of the system before the research results are approved and circulated the training course on scientific research methods and method, the system, its mechanisms of action, its interactions, and its behavioral outcomes are known and disciplined and accurate in its composition and operational relations, as it is governed in its interactions by principles and specific logical and practical steps, usually leading to well-studied results and indicators or evaluative criteria indicate the validity of the research to solve the problem that is then being studied reveal its effectiveness in addressing the problem and clarifying new scientific contributions made this research presents human knowledge. In order to ensure the success of the scientific research system with its four components, we return to the researcher in establishing it

Its principles, ethics, and capabilities. The researcher must have the following competencies:

1- Scientific researcher competencies

It is the researcher's insight with which to distinguish his problems and build strategies through it ,  It is aware of the nature of the expected results of its solution and it forms the basis of its behavior the specialist and a general framework of his identity and the processes of perception as a researcher.

2- Reasonable competencies of the researcher

It is equivalent to feeling a problem or topic of research and deciding to address it based on foundations persuasive logic, which appears to the researcher in reality in the form of individual capabilities with it, he is able to discover the nature of the problem and analyze its different circumstances and factors then determine the extent of the need to solve it. Which determines its outcome to proceed with the research or stop him for lack of need or inferiority.

3- The researcher's planning competencies

It is represented in the researcher's capabilities to analyze the available capabilities to research the problem and the development of appropriate plans to solve it is the capabilities of the researcher to legislate methods well thought out to address the problem and determine the quality of the required results as successful solutions.

4- Researcher's procedural competencies:

It means the researcher's ability to implement the plans set to research the problem, including the process of managing research, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting results in order to arrive at solutions desired appropriate.

5- The researcher's technical and evaluation competencies:

Which embody the outputs and controls of scientific research and are represented in the capabilities of the researcher on scanning and reviewing the research he has done and sifting through his activities and results to reveal their validity of the studied problem and its effectiveness in overcoming its observed negatives, and hence writing and producing the appropriate report for publishing or circulating the research or for use by agencies concerned.

In order for scientific research to achieve its goals, the researcher must adhere to the following

His belief that his work is for the sake of God Almighty and for serving Muslims, and that his scientific research is from the good rest is a science to be learned from the researcher's ethics and ideology that governs and directs his work,  The high experience enables the researcher to plan, implement, and evaluate research results. abandoning selfishness and personal desires that may plague the human mind Sometimes, in order to reach a higher goal, which is new conclusions a scientific or applied value representing a new contribution to human civilization, personal courage to reach the desired results and the ability to taking responsibility for these results without hesitation or delay in announcing them.

The role of scientific research in the advancement of the individual, family, and society:

1. Scientific research is a deliberate, organized methodology that produces rational and objective results that are employed in solving the problems of human knowledge, leading to the progress and transfer of mankind from saving the daily needs to other higher and more valuable preferences to enhance his cultural superiority.

2. Familiarity with our individuals, families, and social institutions in the methodology of scientific research and training on it, then adopting its studied logical approach in their dealings and implementation the training course on scientific research methods and methods.

3- Their daily responsibilities, which develop objective thinking for them and thus increase their returns the behavioral behavior is qualitative and quantitative, and it increases the success rates of their businesses, and thus their trickery flourishes and their ambitions.

4. Clarify scientific theories reached or validate them with an indication contradictory facts in human understanding and selection of the correct ones.

5. Correct faulty research methodologies, including uses of methods and indicators statistical analysis and feedback to evaluate them.

6. Solve scientific and practical problems facing individuals and groups.

7. Finding new technologies and advanced lifestyles by making use of natural resources undiscovered, which contributes to increasing human civilized knowledge.

Second - Characteristics of scientific research:

1. An organized process of seeking truth or finding solutions to a scientific or social need or a process, by adopting a structured and deliberate approach is the method of scientific research.

2. Logical process: the researcher takes it upon himself to advance in solving the problem with facts and successive, consistent steps through an inductive and deductive approach.

3. Realistic experimental process because scientific research stems from and ends with reality in terms his observations, its implementation processes, and the application of its results.

4. A reliable, repeatable process for achieving similar results for verification reliability and validity of the research results and the accuracy of these results and not lacking or contaminating with data , It does not belong to it and its qualitative and quantitative sufficiency in general for the purposes of the proposed research and verification from the validity and effectiveness of research procedures to the nature of the problem and the desired results search.

5. A process directed at updating, modifying, or enriching human knowledge.

6. An active objective, diligent, and careful process.

7. A private process where scientific research is specific in focus, methodology, and general It's beginning and end. It is a process that aims in its entirety to achieve a specific purpose and research

Scientific may start a year open to everything appropriate from the surrounding environment It extrapolates from its details, examples, and various tangibles the nature of the problem And its limits. Then the research narrows in its focus and operations after understanding the problem in order to orient it.

His immediate interest is to study the objectives, questions, and hypotheses of the problem via A special methodology that results in the required results.

 Scientific research resumes again, he began to become open to the problem environment and to explain and address its difficulty in relation to operations Discussion and implications of findings and recommendations for future useful research.

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