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How Egypt became a Roman state

 How Egypt became a Roman state

In the beginning, this topic includes talking about Ptolemaic Egypt and its relationship with Rome in the Hellenistic era until the fall of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in the hands of Rome in 30 BC and its conversion to a Roman state, where the rule of the Ptolemaic state of Egypt continued for almost three centuries, beginning after the Ptolemaic king Ptolemy I son of Lagos, who was one of The leaders of Alexander the Great, who was able to become the governor of Egypt and then king over it in the year 305 BC. M, founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, which was ruled by fourteen kings who bore the title of Ptolemy, in addition to seven queens who bore the title of Cleopatra.

Reign of Ptolemy the First

During the reign of Ptolemy I, there was no relationship between him and Rome, as his influence included only his consolidation in the Mediterranean basin, the interior of Syria, Cornet, and Greece.

Reign of Ptolemy II

And who is called Philadelphus, who took power in 285 BC, where the beginning of his relationship with Rome was a friendly relationship, as he sent her impoverishment and that was in 273 BC, as this was the beginning of the emergence of Rome in the Mediterranean basin after its victory over King Pyrrhus (Epirus) ) And expelled from southern Italy and Sicily.

Reign of Ptolemy III

And the one called Ergatis, there was no relationship between him and Rome during his reign, and his relationship was confined to his kingdom and his wars in the interior of Syria only.

Reign of Ptolemy IV

The one called Philopator (loving his father) when he took power and intervened during the era of the regents and nearly weakened the Ptolemaic state due to this intervention against its struggle with the Seleucids in the fourth Syrian war, but the victory of the Ptolemies was overwhelming because of the Egyptians ’recruitment in the Ptolemaic army. As for the relationship of Rome, it was limited only to Exchange of friendships and sending wheat aid to Rome, as Rome was busy in its struggles within its territory and its unification, as well as its struggle with Carthage in the western Mediterranean in what was known as the Punic Wars.

Reign of Ptolemy the Fifth

Epigenes (The Transfiguration) The relationship between Ptolemaic Egypt and Rome began to develop from a relationship of friendship to a relationship of trusteeship. The era of Ptolemy the Fifth is considered the beginning of the era of the weakness of the Ptolemaic state, where Ptolemy V ascended the throne at the age of five years. At this time Antiochus III, the Seleucid king, occupied his place and wanted to seize On the kingdom of the Ptolemies, and indeed he succeeded in that, but Rome intervened and asked him to leave the Egyptian lands. Indeed, Antiochus fulfilled the warning and the situation remained between the two kingdoms.

At this time, Rome was preoccupied with its war with Hannibal the Carthaginian since 210 BC and defeated him, and the influence of Rome began to overwhelm the Mediterranean.

Reign of Ptolemy VI

Which is called Philometor (lover to his mother) during the era when Rome had entered into another bitter conflict with the Macedonian state (the Hellenistic Kingdom in Greece), where it was in its struggle with King Perseus (the head of the Perseus) and succeeded in eliminating him in 168 BC, to seize his kingdom after A series of wars known as the Four Macedonian Wars, which ended in 146 BC with the conversion of the Kingdom of Greece and her country into a Roman state.

As for Egypt, (Antiochus IV) took advantage of Rome's preoccupation and wanted to seize the possessions of the Ptolemies, so he attacked Egypt and entered Memphis and arrived in Alexandria and besieged it in 168 BC, but Rome was following up on the matter, so I sent a member of Senato (Gaius Linas) to Egypt, specifically to Antiochus' camp, and asked him to leave Egypt, but he asked to extend him thinking about it, but Inas was smarter and smarter than him, so he took his stick from a grapevine and drew a circle around it and said to him a thought and decided before he skipped that circle and on this was the departure of Antiochus the Fourth from Egypt and Rome became the protector of Egypt and his interference in its political affairs.

Reign of Ptolemy VIII

Which is called Ergatis II, the Ptolemaic state entered into a long struggle between the two brothers of Ptolemy the Sixth and Ptolemy the VIII, and the eighth was the ruler of Corinth, and the second feared for his kingdom, so he recommended it to Rome after his death, but luck went against that, as Ptolemy the Sixth, King of Egypt, died and Ptolemy VIII ruled Egypt and Qornet together.

Rome’s relationship with Egypt during that period was limited to visits by Senate members and merchants in addition to some Roman officials to carry out inspection campaigns on the country. We have a papyrus dating back to the year 112 BC found near the pyramids area that contains instructions issued by senior officials in Alexandria, In order to prepare a trip for a member of the Senate (Lucius Mimus) to make his trip from Alexandria to the province of (Arsinoe) in Fayoum.

Reign of Ptolemy IX (Sweeatier II)

Then Rome occupied for 30 years the second in its internal struggles and wars between the consuls, as well as Egypt was preoccupied with its family struggle, and in the year 80 BC the Roman consul (Sulla) was present in the eastern Mediterranean carrying out his campaigns there and he found a struggle over the Ptolemaic throne, especially after the death of Ptolemy. The ninth (Sweater II), who did not leave an heir to the throne, so Sulla placed the prince of Ptolemy on the throne of the Ptolemaic kingdom under his tutelage.

Reign of Ptolemy XII (alzamar)

In the year 58 BC, the Ptolemaic ruler Ptolemy the Twelfth, who had the title (alzamar), fled to Rome because of the struggle for the throne, and there he obtained the support of the Roman commander (Pompeius), who ordered the governor of Syria (Gabenegos) to return him to Egypt and take over the throne and that was in return A thousand talents of silver.

From here, religion began to operate the budget of the Ptolemaic kingdom, so the process of loans that he took from the Romans such as (Gaius Postumus) began.

In the year 51 BC Ptolemy XII died, leaving his kingdom under the tutelage of his daughter, Cleopatra VII (Theea Philopator), who is 18 years old, and his son Ptolemy and Omra 9-10 years old, to be partners in the rule of the kingdom loved their father, and in the year 49-48 BC, the conflict between Pompeius and Cyprus increased and this conflict ended with the killing of Pompeius in 48 BC. M on a beach in Alexandria, which made it easy for Caesar to reach Egypt.

On the other hand, Ptolemy the Thirteenth died and Ptolemy XIV took over after him as a partner to Cleopatra. He was a young man and announced his marriage to his sister Cleopatra, who went with Caesar on a love trip across the Nile and returned from her while she was carrying a son of Caesar who was known as Caesaron A and Ptolemy XV.

In 46 BC, Cleopatra arrived in Rome and resided in Caesar's house on the hill (Alianiculus) on the Tiber River in Rome, but it was not congratulated for her, as Caesar was assassinated, so she decided to leave Rome.

The end of the Ptolemaic kingdom

From Hamm 42 to 30 BC, Cleopatra entered into a relationship with (Antonius), one of the leaders of her ex-husband Caesar. This relationship ended with a marriage that resulted in three children, and at the same time, there was a bitter struggle between (Octavius) and (Antonius) for control of Rome.

 and then (Octavius) was able to raise the atmosphere in Rome against (Anthony). Indeed, the inevitable clash was in (Actium the Navy in 31 BC), where Cleopatra VII and Antonius ended and the Ptolemaic state ended Each of them committed suicide, and then Egypt became a Roman state.

Also, the tsar of Octavius killed the son of Cleopatra, Caesarion, and Julius Caesar, to rule the Roman Empire as its first emperor in 30 BC.

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