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Introductions to the Hellenistic Age

Introductions to the Hellenistic Age

 Introductions to the Hellenistic Age

The beginning of the Hellenistic era:

Most historians agree that the Hellenistic period began in 338 BC. From the date of the victory of the Macedonian king Philip II (Philip II) and his son Alexander III over the armies and states of Greece in the Battle of Chironia (Chironia) in central Greece, and this date ended with the stage of Greek independence. . The system of independent cities and the beginning of a new phase, the stage of subjugating Greece to the influence of Macedonia and its rulers in several ways.

Entry into the Charter of Corinth (Corinth), known as the Greek Alliance, and confirms the influence of Macedonia and its return to Greece

Elimination of separatism, independence and civil wars between the countries of Greece and the so-called "city police" system

Providing financial and material assistance to the NATO Special Army and Philip is the army for his campaign against the Persian Empire, and while King Philip was preparing for the campaign of the Persian Empire and died, a wedding ceremony for his daughter Cleopatra Ze, King Abros in the Macedonian capital Ajay (Igai) in late 336 BC.

Alexander's declaration as king:

After the death of King Philip, Alexander announced the king before him many of the tasks that he had undertaken, including revenge for the death of his father Philip, and Greece was subject to the Macedonian dam again, where a revolution occurred in some cities after that. Philip dies from the control of Macedonia and was the head of the cities of Athens, Thebes, and Thrace, and also completed the project of the conquest of the Persian Empire.

Alexander succeeded in implementing the unification of former Greece and avenging his father despite his young age, which does not exceed twenty years in a period of time ranging between two years only.

End of the Hellenistic era:

Starting from 338 BC, and ending at different times, due to the emergence of Rome as a superpower in the Mediterranean basin, where they were able to control the kingdoms of the Hellenistic East, which were established after the death of Alexander the Great. . The Great Kingdom of Greece and the first of those kingdoms to fall was the Kingdom of Greece, where it fell in 147 BC. AD after a series of wars known as the Four Macedonian Wars.

As in Egypt, the stage of the fall of the Ptolemaic kingdom is considered to be the year 30 BC. M by Octavius, the Roman commander who bore the title Augustus, which means great or venerable, and the Ptolemaic kingdom was the last Hellenistic kingdom to fall into the hands of the Romans.

The Seleucid Kingdom, the second-largest Hellenistic Greek kingdom, was established in Syria and fell to the Romans in 70-67 BC. M at the hands of Commander Eumius

Reasons for naming the Hellenistic era with this name:

As this period was marked by the emergence of three kingdoms, the Greek Kingdom, the Seleucid Kingdom, and the Ptolemaic Kingdom, and the enslavement of the states and territories of these kingdoms before their formation under the control of Alexander the Great and Macedonia. The departure of Alexander the Great took him east and destroyed the Persian Empire.

Historians rely on naming the Hellenistic era with this name because of the mixing of the Greek (Hellenistic) civilization with the civilizations of the Ancient East and the Near East, the emergence of a mixed civilization between the two civilizations, and the emergence of similar peoples. Greek civilization. The Greeks in their lives, so the term Hellendrazine (Helleniziein) was used in the sense of the Greek verb, which means that it imitates Baleonanaa n or Atogrq.

Thanks to the German scientist Johann Gustaf Dorsen, in the second half of the nineteenth century AD, for giving this name to the new era, which began with the conquests of Alexander the Great and lasted for three centuries until the domination and formation of Rome. Its emperor in the Mediterranean.

The campaigns of Alexander the Great (336 - 323 BC)

The campaigns of Alexander the Great began to unify Greece until 334 BC. Where he then prepared the expedition to the Persian Empire and destroyed it, and its king at that time was called Darius III (Dara), and a complete description of Alexander`s campaigns and his carrying to the East and everything related to that mythical stage or the real characteristics were written to us. A historian knew as Arianus (Arianus) who lived five centuries after Alexander and knew his book that talks about the life of Alexander under the name of Anabasis and the title of this author in the name of the historian of Alexander.

Battle of the Granicus River (Granicus ) 331 B.C 

Alexander left in 334 B.C، through the east to cross the Straits of the Dardanelles and this was known as the road past the Persians And they sent an expedition, including campaigns for Greece to see the campaign news and e 1 of the road arrived in Alexander the Great to the northwest Asia and there achieved the first military victory over the Persians at the river Granicus.

The Battle of Issus ( Issus ) 333 B.C. 

After the victory of Alexander the Great, he headed south, and there at the area of Issus, he met Dara III Persian king and achieved his second victory over him in the area of Issus in southeast Asia Minor. This battle is considered very important, as the king fled Dara on the run and Alexander was able to capture his mother and daughter Dara and Uranus mentions that Dara requested peace from Alexander permitted one of his daughters to marry him, but the order was rejected by Paraminon ( Parmenion ) One month and the biggest leaders of Alexander the Great.

Alexander's conquest continued until he reached Phenicia in the East and captured Hor (Tire (And Sidon )Sidon ( Without a fight, then he headed to Gaza, headed by Heidi Bateesh ) Batis ) There have been besieging the city for two months, and after the battle of violent resistance and captured by Alexander and Alexander came out of this battle , suffering from a large wound.

Alexander's seizure of Egypt from 332 to 321 B.C. 

After the fall of Gaza, the road is open either of Alexander to Egypt are considered controlled by Alexander Egypt a turning point in his life, Egypt was part of the Persian kings and the people staying multiple revolts against the Persians and the system of wisdom, so you will get support for it was Alstrh to Egypt in order to secure his army against any Attacks and obtain materials to finance the army and complete the war.

Alexander’s entry into Egypt was different, as he received the conquerors ’reception and not as a conqueror for them. His trip to Egypt was a recreational trip, but Alexander did not find resistance from the Persian ruler named Mazakis ( Mazakes ) Where he was received at the gate of the eastern border of Egypt ( Farma ) and handed the keys of the country.

There Alexander set up a military garrison at Al-Farma to secure the eastern borders, then he headed to Memphis (Memphis( There he visited the temple of the god Ptah and held their celebrations and sports games, then after that, he headed north through the Canopic branch of the Nile and at the mouth of the river and its meeting with the sea there was a recitation called Raqouda ) Rhacotis ) In front of her island called Pharos there began in the founding of the city known as Alexandria by connecting road between the island and the village, and here were the most famous cities of the T - bore Alexander's name, and then Alexander the Great went to the West Bmhamat the Sea coast t average until he reached Paratuon ( Paraetonion ) Marsa Matrouh about 290 km.

And later turned to the oasis of Siwa, and there he visited the temple of the god Amun and then came out of the temple after taking two centuries and advises the ram, and then proceeded to complete his empire on Algarsah returned to Memphis and was appointed Ptolemy ( Ptolemy The governor of Egypt also organized its administrative and financial affairs, held religious and sports ceremonies, and offered sacrifices to the gods, and among the most important figures at this stage was Clomenis al- Naqratis, who was the supervisor of the country and the Arab countries, financial affairs and the collection of tribute, as Alexander separated the military and civil authority as he planted the rest of the positions on A large number of state personnel so that no one is independent in the country. 

Battle of Gujamela ) Gaugamela ) 331 B.C 

Alexander came out of Egypt completed his campaigns against Darius King of Persia and in Iraq ( Mesopotamia ), specifically in the north when the area ( Jojamila ) signed the camel was the victory over the Persians This is the victory of the third achieved by Alexander the  Empire Persian and fell into the Imperial of Persian, although the number of troops which has About a million fighters, and after that Darius fled and was assassinated by one of his leaders called Bessus. Alexander followed him in the last moments of his death and put his cloak on him, but Bessus killed him.

After that, the road became open for Alexander to Babylon, and from there on to Susa(Susa ) To put an end to the revolt of the Persian governors, then proceed to Persepolis ) Persepolis) And seized gold cabinets located in the palaces and private Bacarecadaa ( (Pasargadae) And there the forces rebelled against him and asked him to burn and destroy those palaces and cities, as the Persians did in the past with their property in the past, but Alexander refused that, but he could not stand before pimps for fear of rebellion, so then burn those palaces and destroy them.

Then Alexander headed east until he reached the India River in 325 B.C. There, he demanded his soldiers to return, and Alexander submitted to their desire, and thus Alexander returned to Babylon and ended his campaigns.

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