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Astronomy and Mysterious Planets| space

Astronomy and Mysterious Planets

Astronomy and Mysterious Planets

Many ancient astronomical pictures appeared in the arts that were interested in astronomy, highlighting the methods of guiding and learning from astronomy and the stars, and many pictures appeared that were drawn by many photographers in the ancient era depicting these constellations, planets and stars, their arrangement and multiplicity, and there are many planets that were unknown, such as a constellation with The Holy, Cetus, Centaurus, the Great Bear, the Smaller Dog, the Advanced Dog, and others, but before starting to explain these planets, one must know astronomy, its origins, how to reach it, and what is its purpose.

It is science that is concerned with the study of celestial bodies that are outside the scope of the globe and its atmosphere, such as the moon, the sun, planets, stars, in the solar system, astronomy appeared from the ancient Egyptians until it reached the Muslims and before them ancient Mesopotamia and the Greeks.

Astronomy for the ancient Egyptians:

The ancient Egyptians believed in many gods, among them the deities of the sky (Nut), whose body extended like an arc to shade the earth above them, and also that her body consisted of stars and appeared to us like the way of the Milky Way. On the one hand, and the association of these stars with worship and offering sacrifices.

Astronomy in ancient Mesopotamia:

As the countries of Al-Rafidain believed in the divinity of the sun, and that the moon gives birth to it and the sun gives birth to night and day, erases the darkness and revives the dead, and as for the planets and stars, they considered it to be the writing of the gods and the numbers of the sky, and among the most important planets is Venus, which was known as Ishtar and they also knew the zodiac The science of the calendar.

Astronomy for the Greeks:

The Greeks invented the concept of the celestial sphere and explained the phenomena of sunrise, sunset, and twilight. The school of Alexandria had the most famous scholars, "Hepa Kos" and "Ptolemy" others who taught great observations that were the key to astronomy for Muslims after that, and Muslims relied on astronomy on many of their teachings.

Astronomy for Muslims:

Muslims linked the human sciences decade by translating the ancient Greek and Indian sciences to the new reality, and they tried to build the sciences of Islam along the lines of those sciences, so they purified them from the impurities of previous nations and made them consistent with the spirit and rituals of Islam. Among the most prominent of these sciences are mathematics and astronomy (). (Muslims) from the expansion of mathematicians among them in arithmetic due to their invention of the basis of trigonometry, and the Arabs achieved the length of the circumference of the earth with what they had in terms of machines and tools and took the height of the pole and the worm of the earth ball surrounding the land and the sea.

There were no regular studies of the Arabs in astronomy and observations in the pre-Islamic era, based on the basis of scientific devices, and for the stars to be guided in the desert, what made them constantly look at the stars and planets and choose names for them such as Yemeni poetry, man and ghoul, and since the beginning of the Abbasid rule, a comprehensive development began in the scientific renaissance and took Arabs to translate everything that falls under their hands from foreign references. 

Muslim interest in astronomy:

The scientific environment and religious life are considered to have great merit in what the Muslim Arabs have achieved, as they reached what no one has reached. They have reached the work of superior observations and important explanations for all the different astronomical phenomena.

- Thinking and contemplating the creation of God from the sun, moon, and stars, and among the signs of God in the Noble Qur’an that you feel about thinking about the creation of God in the heavens and the earth, the saying of God Almighty: “In the creation of the heavens and the earth and the differences of the night and the day, there are miracles for those who remember God standing and sitting and on their sides and contemplate In the creation of the heavens and the earth. "

- There are many legal sciences that need astronomy in interpretation and jurisprudence, the most important of which is knowledge of hunting dates and trade trips, and also there are political reasons related to determining the most appropriate times for military invasions and major conquests, and encouraging caliphs and rulers to research observation and science and overcome difficulties for scholars by setting up monitors to supply them with what They need it.

There are many astronomical phenomena such as eclipses and lunar eclipses, and many images have been received that depict and embody these phenomena and how they occur from a long time ago. They are phenomena that are not born of the present time, but they occur from time immemorial, and photographers excelled in reversing how these phenomena occurred.

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