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Mysterious Islands| unknown islands

Mysterious Islands

 Mysterious Islands

Many mysterious islands appeared that existed in ancient times and included many strange people, including cannibals and strange shapes, and we will show you many islands according to what was mentioned in the stories of Qazwini in the Manuscript of Wonders of Creatures and Strange Objects.

Saksar Island

A picture of the people of the island of Saksar, who are cannibals, as they were depicted in the head of a dog and the body of a human being, as well as on human figures, but their legs without bones close to the body of snakes and snakes.

Al-Qazwini mentions the people of that island: “It is one of the islands in the Zinj Sea, one of the seas of India. His face was rough, so I asked him about that. He said: I went out in a boat and threw us to an island from which we could not remove it. Then people came with their heads resembling the heads of dogs and their bodies were the bodies of man. They stood on us and one of them got out and took a stick in his hand and our legs were like sheep to their homes. He was hit by what happened to us, so they made us bring fruits and food, so the man told us, “Do you feed us so that you may get fat?” And those who are fat among you eat it. So I was shorter in eating and all of my companions ate it until I and that man stayed. And they stay for three days, and if I want to be saved, save yourself, but I have weakened my legs, so I cannot walk. I know that they are the fastest thing in demand and the strongest except it. I was walking by night and day until I entered under a tree. When it was the third day, they returned and they did not find me and they were cutting my tracks. They realized that I had entered the tree, so they returned and left me. They do not understand my words and I do not understand their words, and while I am sitting with them, a man of them put his hand on me, and if he was my neck and twisted his feet on my neck if I got up, I put his treatment to throw it out, and he smashed me in my face. On the trees, while he reaps the fruits, he eats them and throws them to his companions while they laugh, so while I was walking with him, if some of the sticks hit his eye, I proceeded to some grape, so I squeezed it in a hole from a rock and indicated to him to kneel from it.

Banan Island

 It is one of the islands in the China Sea. Al-Qazwini mentions about these people, “There are people on the island that are naked, their colors are white and have beauty, goodness and image. Throughout their illusion, their feeling is his mouth, and they also eat people.

Bartail Island

It is one of the islands of the Indian Sea, where al-Qazwini says, according to Ptolemy the Wise: “There are more than twenty thousand in this sea of ​​Algeria, and there are no countless nations in it except God. The feces and the rhinoceros and the mountains have the sound of the drum and the tambourine and the noisy cymbals and the noisy noise and the sailors in it at night. Every merchandise is something of a clove, so it is acceptable for him to take it and unload the merchandise, and if he took the goods and the cloves, their boats were not able to walk until they returned the goods to their place, and that one of them asked for the extra to leave the merchandise and the cloves, so he increased in it.

Haanah Island and Awar Island

The people of Haanah Island, which is one of the islands of the Indian Sea, and one of its wonders is that there is a mountain on it that has a great fire at night and by day, smoke that no one is able to approach, and there are people whose faces are blond close to their bodies and have no necks.

 Al-Qazwini mentions the authority of the people of an island known to the people of the eyes, and he says: “It is one of the islands in the Zinj Sea branching from the Sea of ​​India. Their stature was as large as an arm and most of them were naked, so he gathered one of them to gather and drove me to their possession, so he ordered my imprisonment and they took me to something like a birdcage, and they put me in it. If a gang of cranes came upon them and they were the cause of their nakedness from pecking the cranes, then I took a stick and tightened them, so it flew and went so honored me, so I proceeded to two trunks and tightened them with tree marshes and carried water with me and I rode them, and the wind threw me to Rome. Khorasan to the direction of Egypt, where the Nile River flows, and there he fights men whose stature is an arm. "

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