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Myths of the New World

Myths of the New World

The indigenous people of the Americas are what the ancient Americans or the Native Americans called them, or what everyone knows about them are the Indians before the era of Christopher Columbus, and this name goes back in calligraphy where Christopher Columbus thought that he was in India when he discovered the Americas and they were the first to plant tobacco, burn and inhale A wooden piece road similar to a pipe.

The myth of tobacco cultivation

Urged legend says that there was a poor tribe in the Americas in the past and it was very poor, where a woman came and helped them. Whenever her right hands touched the ground, the earth sowed corn, and whenever her left hands touched the ground, the earth was filled with wheat, so when she got tired and went to rest, he planted tobacco in this place.

The American Indians are considered the first people to discover insomnia and the symbol and refer to it, and they were very advanced before the coming of Christ, about 3700 years ago, but because of heavy smoking of tobacco, and despite their progress, which was consequently, it led to severe cramps and the spread of many diseases due to smoking. The emergence of many myths remained the same and did not change Until they became the most backward people in the world, as Europe came and seized all their lands, and most of the indigenous Amerindian population is now living in Peru, according to statistics, which say that they are also threatened with extinction.

American Indian culture

American Indians had a flourishing culture full of human meanings entrenched in all American Indians, where the arrival of the Europeans was the beginning of their decline and even extinction, given that the Muslim Arabs were the first to arrive in America about five hundred years before Christopher Columbus came, and that by the arrival of the navigator Khashkhash bin Saeed Al Qurtubi To the Caribbean Islands in 889 AD, then the Andalusian navigator Ben Farrukh arrived on the island of Jamaica in 999 AD.

And after Columbus reached the port of Palos in Cuba in 14292 AD, he did not dare to go down in that region, when he saw a glory dome near the shore, so he turned his direction to a small island where he thought he was heading to India on a bypass road that was not controlled by the Arab Muslims.

There is no doubt that the myths of the American Indians are popular myths rich in deep philosophical ideas and some of them are full of myths that no mind can imagine, but they show the duration of the culture and ideas of ancient peoples, so these myths are considered an open book through which the reader knows the amount of enlightenment of those groups of people isolated from the ancient world.

It is clear through these different myths and stories that we find the big difference between us and the myths of the Greeks, Arabs, East Indians, and Japanese. Each of these peoples has its own myths that are told and kept by writers and heritage.

Who are the American Indians

Where the name Indians or Indians with red skin was given to the original inhabitants of America, and they are a people who are not Indian, as some think, and do not have any connection to the Indians, and they are not red, nor do they have anything of the color red in their skin, because the Indians are large and huge ancient peoples in the civilization that inhabit a famous part A large part of the ancient world in the continent of Asia is called Hindustan or the countries of India. They are called the Indians. Some of the primitive tribes comprise the original inhabitants of a part of the new world far away from the countries of India.

The colors of their skin differed according to their environment and tribes and ranged between yellow, white and brown, but there was absolutely no aspect of the red color, not even close to it, and the mistake arose in calling them Indians from a geographical historical illusion that Christopher Columbus, to whom the great credit is given for The discovery of the Americas, as we said, he thought he went to India, so he called the inhabitants and the tribes that they were Indians, and it was soon enough until it appeared to us that they are peoples who have nothing to do with India and that the people are a new people that has no connection with the Indians. Many modern foreign films that are also called the Indians, and the name of the Reds is considered to have been added to their name in order to distinguish them in the name from the Indians in the Asian continent and have nothing to do with color, skin, or otherwise.

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